Unlock the full value of your development

Experience the next level of comfort and security for vacation property homeowners

Signing documents
Living room
Hugging with keys

The Concept

The Wrenty concept is a unique rental and service solution designed for modern vacation housing with homeowners on the go. We unite communities and empower homeowners with safe and easy rentals and hotel level service and security, all at the touch their fingers with the Wrenty Platform.

With communities joining forces under a common brand, the guests are visiting a place that has an identity, that can be talked about, that can be remembered, instead of just an apartment, that will soon be forgotten. We are erasing the lines between hotels and Per-2-Per rentals and offering the best of two worlds. A united and strong brand means more possibilities, for everyone. 

We help your homeowners maximize potential earnings, but even more important we maximize the quality of every stay and increase the value of their property.

The Components

Each community is set up on their own private cloud platform. In 2 weeks we deliver a preconfigured solution for up to 500 homeowners, with a custom booking webpage, a property specific homeowner portal for each household, and with full capabilities to deliver services from day one. The Wrenty concept delivery is based on the platform including a Custom Booking Webpage and the homeowner portal, and Full Service by Wrenty managed and delivered services by our team. 

Custom Booking Webpage

A state of art booking website unique for your development. Unite your homeowners under one powerful brand and make miscommunication, manual transactions and  unsecure payments, a thing of the past. The Website is a customized design delivery with a set up specifically suited to the needs of your community, built on the latest technology.

State of the Art | Global Reach | United Brand | Stripe Connecti | Cal Integration | Multiple Homepage Layouts | Social Sharing | Advanced Search Filters | Secure

Homeowner Portal

An app based solution with every home in your development pre configured, in a beautiful package, equipping your homeowners with a user friendly world class solution. The platform recognises all homeowner request and service initiatives as property specific, automatically calculating rates for services, automatically generating property specific listings, digitalising all interactions and transactions.

Luxury Service | Digital Interaction | Property/Homeowner Specific | Automatic Calculation of Rates | Tool for Planning Own Stay | Payment Gateway | Maximize Earnings | Track Financial Numbers for Tax Calculation

Full Service by Wrenty

With dedicated staff we run your development with hotel level standards. Offer your homeowners one secure point of contact for all their needs, we handle all guest internations, from booking and payments, to check in/check out and cleaning, we have you covered. No more spreading keys and access amongst many different contractors.

One Point of Contact | Vacation Property Concept | Full Service Rentals | Digital Service Booking | Create Custom Services | Legal Support | Tax Calculation | Rental Forms | Simple & Secure

The Homeowner Service

Wrenty is built to deliver on a concept where subletting a vacation property, can be fun, safe and easy. The uniqueness starts with the platforms ability to connect each and every homeowner with our dedicated service team, 24/7, at the touch of their fingertips. The hotel inspired Wrenty service offering is also a fully digitalised transaction, available for easy access in the homeowner portal. Wrenty enables simple and safe rentals, but even more so, we are the added touch of comfort and luxury ensuring that homeowners within Wrenty communities, can enjoy their vacation property, like they deserve to.


Property preconfigured world class rental solution at the tip of your fingers. The preconfigured homeowner portal means no adding information, no adding property specifications, no pictures and no hassle. Work efficiently and actively with simple methods to maximize listing value. The Wrenty service team handles all guest interactions, payments, commissions and fees - all calculated and processed through the platform.

Wrenty Clean
Wrenty Clean

Choose between different levels of cleaning and book in app to ease your coming and going. The platform recognises all homeowner request and service initiatives as property specific, automatically calculating rates, automatically generating payment links and essentially digitalising all interactions and transactions.

Wroom Service
Wroom Service

The home away from home service always present to help you with unforeseen issues that may arise. From checking to see if the stove is left on, to organizing an event or putting champagne on ice for your next arrival, we can help you with a single service request or create a recurring plan, all in accordance with what the homeowner needs.

The Process

Getting started with Wrenty is simple. If we together come to the conclusion that Wrenty suits your community, we can be up and running on only a few weeks. We do almost all of the work, there is no cost for you, we just need your support with some practical details.

Get an estimate for your community or next development
Provide us with stock photos and branding material
Delivery on platform for your approval
Service in place before we go live
No administration for you
Gain insight and new revenue
Get an estimate for your community or next development
Get an estimate for your community or next development

There are a few factors that will determine if your project can be a suitable Wrenty project, the number of properties and the habits and preferences of your homeowners are relevant for us to understand. If Wrenty is relevant for you we will set you up with an estimated plan for implementation. As there is no cost for you as a developer or housing committee we just want to qualify your needs before we move forward. We do not give estimates to individual homeowners as the initiative has to come from the housing committee of an already existing community or from the property developers of a future community.

Provide us with stock photos and branding material
Provide us with stock photos and branding material

There is no cost associated with implementing Wrenty. We just need stock photos that well represent your community and the different type of homes, if you don't have access to that we can send over a photographer and help you. We also need a site map or something equivalent listing property specific information e.g size, number of rooms, pool, garage and so on. With this information we will configure the property specific homeowner portal.

Delivery on platform for your approval
Delivery on platform for your approval

Before anything goes live we will present our solution, we will go through the setup for your community to make sure everything is correct, we will show the designs of the webpage, we will present your service team and we will proceed and make plans for go live.

Service in place before we go live
Service in place before we go live

With Wrenty you get full service, functionality and support from day one. To deliver on the Wrenty Concept we train our staff in accordance with our standards and values to deliver with no learning curve. Wrenty is a high end solution for high end customers and our commitment on delivery is total.

No administration for you
No administration for you

In terms of training, informing homeowners and getting started, there is nothing we need from you. Our platform is simple to use and interactive and we will make sure your homeowners know how to get full value from Wrenty. Should you however want to be involved, we are always happy to have you be a part of the process.

Gain insight and new revenue
Gain insight and new revenue

Just like with the homeowners, we want you to sit back, relax, and let Wrenty work for you. Regardless if you are a housing committee or a property developer we are always happy to have an active dialogue in showing you what Wrenty is currently doing for your homeowners. Your earnings from Wrenty are paid yearly if nothing else is decided.