For the Modern Housing Committee

Offer your homeowners more with a solution that benefits the whole community

A Modern and Responsible Approach Towards Subletting

The rental economy is growing like never before, a huge contributor is the trend of people subletting their new vacation home as a way of financing it. It is a debated topic to say the least as it comes with some risk. Risk of fraud, risk of not getting paid, risk of damage to property and risk of guest acting poorly. The problem in itself is not related to more people using a facilities that are mean to be used, that is actually a positive thing. The economy thrives for local businesses, the individual housing communities become more widely known and sought after, local homeowners make money that can be put back into the community.

The problem is rather the unknown that cannot be controlled as a result of non structured rentals, no common routines, individual methods and no central ownership or guidence. With Wrenty this is a thing of the past. We will set guidelines and run your housing community with a hotel level of control, this on a platform specifically built for the purpose. Wrenty is easy for the homeowner to use and safe. We will maximize your common profit, ad quality of living through our services and most of all we will give you peace of mind in knowing that your community is well kept.

Common Guidelines and Profits for all

Setting a common agreement that will please every single tenants is no easy task. With Wrenty you can set a frame agreement specific to your community’s standards and get a joint solution that can be used by all, lowering annoyance amongst neighbours, the risk of disturbing guests and the administration within the community.

One Partner - One Solution

Wrenty is the invisible crew that through a mobile application offers you a fully digital solution for cleaning, rentals and the home while away from home service. Our software solution in combination with our professional service offering makes it possible for us to easily tend to the needs of communities with 300+ homes without compromising on service delivery, thereby we can drastically reduce the number unknown people accessing your facilities.

Top Level Service

We understand the privilege of dealing with your community. Yes our service concept enables us to easily manage rentals but more so our service concept is developed to give each homeowner a sense of security and a taste of luxury, hotel comfort without compromising on the sacredness of feeling at home. our concept is developed for homeowners on the go.

For Your Homeowners

Delivering Happy Homeowners

The unique Wrenty concept goes beyond rentals and services, we provide peace of mind and true comfort. Our digital platform is safe, fast and easy. Just download the app, login, and the homeowner is up and running with full rental capabilities and world class services in minutes.

Is there a joint hesitans in subletting within your community? Do many of your tenants feel it is worrisome and demanding to the point where it’s almost not worth it? We eliminate the risk and hassle of working with various scattered providers with limited system support. Our full service concept and digital platform makes it safe, fun and easy. Set vacancy and preferences and we will do the rest, the Wrenty platform means no hassle, no miscommunication, no double bookings and no late payments, and with great reporting options you can all sit back, track progress and count earnings.

Are your tenants constantly on the go? Get a joint solution where you can grab the morning flight home and not worry about cleaning. Through the homeowner portal a cleaning can be booked in seconds and we will have the place shining upon your return. Or maybe your tenants just don’t want to spend their precious family time cleaning, choose between different packages or customize one with us and we will make sure their time is well spent with the ones they love.

The normal headache of owning a home unfortunately also apply with your second home, and most likely even more so when you are not always there to tend to issues that may suddenly arise. It is for instance hard to check if you left the stove on when you are 2 flights away. With Wroom Service you can sleep tight in knowing that we are always present in helping you deal with big and small issues, representing you when you are not able to, through the Wrenty platform.

Could your community be a Wrenty Establishment?

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