Why Wrenty?

The idea behind Wrenty

The New Homeowner

Buying real estate overseas is not reserved for the rich and famous, nor is it only for retired people looking for a few years in the sun or for people selling all their worldly possessions in desperate search of something new. The new homeowner is not looking for something new but rather something more. We no longer want to choose or sacrifice, and why should we. Digitalization is not only affecting how and where we work, it is affecting how we live, who we are and what we want out of life. Essentially we are all looking for freedom, and freedom per definition is the ability to choose. The modern way of living entails a vision where home, is not ONE place.

Home Must Still Be Home

If home no longer is one place then what is home? Is it being with the ones you love, is it where you feel relaxed, is it where you can feel a sense of security. For most people it is all of the above and so much more. Home might not today be ONE place, but it must forever be the place where we can rest and feel at ease.

Home is comfortable and easy, it might not be exciting every day but it is a little part of the world that is only yours, a hotel on the other hand is fun and exciting, it is a well deserved luxurious break from life and we dont mind sharing it with with previous or future guest. Why is this? What if you could combine the best of two worlds. What is you could sublet your homes without compromising your sense of security and at the same time gain hotel level service to ease your coming and going?

The Wrenty Home 

With Wrenty you get a secure solution with all homeowners on ONE unified platform with ONE service provider for all their rental needs. Our fully digital platform eliminates unnecessary and time consuming tasks and streamlines the whole rental experience. Our solution is customised for your project with every property preconfigured, a truly hassle free experience where each tenant can download the app, set their preferences, and be up and running in minutes. With full visibility they can easily track bookings, ad listings and track revenue. Through our full service concept we handle all guest interactions, from booking and payments, to check in/check out and cleaning, we have you covered. Our services go beyond rentals, Wrenty cleaning is an in app service that can be booked whenever and Wroom Service is the concierge service for distance homeowners that can help with small or big requests.

Wrenty is the invisible hotel crew managing your development with hotel like standards. We enable simple rentals without compromising on security and our service concept is the added touch of comfort so many homeowners need.